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Monday, September 16, 2019

I'm back!

            It's been ages since my last post in 2015. I have gotten like zillions entries to share but life has become hectic up till today. I actually have forgotten my account password and even worse, had no efforts or i should say no intention to retrieve it back. 

           But, people change! So do I.  It takes almost 4 years for me to make this great move and walaaahhh,, here I am. 

           The new brand me - more mature (i guess 😂) with my grown-up kids 💖 and my man 👨. Till next entry 🤞!

Eid 2019

Friday, June 5, 2015

Taman Mini Malaysia

    Ini adalah lawatan kali ke-2 ke Taman Mini Malaysia. The first visit when i was in primary school with my family. Ingat lagi mak beli congkak masa tu. Now i come back with my kids and husband. If i go anywhere, i mean holidays with my kids, instead of enjoying tak tentu hala, i prefer to include educational info so that they gain something through the visit.. Sangat ayat cikgu kan.. Hoho.. Well, every day is a learning process as knowledge can be gained in many ways, not just from books. 

   Tiket beli yg family package sekali dgn pakej naik carriage horse. Menarik sgt. Tapi family package utk 2 dewasa dan 2 kanak2 so tiket Qaisara kene tambah 10 hengget. 


    Peta Taman Mini. Ada bnyk replika rumah2 setiap negeri di Malaysia. International house pon ada mcm Indonesia tapi en suami kata lokasinya dah jauh terkebelakang dan sunyi bnyk pokok2 so won't take any risk. Kang datang ber5 balik ber6,7,8 naik kete sape nak jawab oiii.. Huhu (kumat kamit baca ayat kursi)


    Memula naik kete kuda dulu.. Free utk 2 org, org ke-3 kene tambah 5 hengget. Dapat naik 2 pusingan. Okaylah kan, berangan ala princess, dok lambai2 kat rakyat jelata kami laki bini. En suami dgn i tukang amek pic n video je :D

    Rumah pertama rumah perlis.. Meh tgk design dia.. Nak tunggu jejak kaki ke Perlis mmg tak tau bila lah kan..

    En suami bahagia naa jumpa kipas.. Mmg epik betul lah.. Semua brg lama..Anak2 pon hepi.. Selalu klu pegi IKEA depa dok berangan main pondok2. Kat sini pon jadik depa berangan dengan brg2 lama.. Nostalgia sungguh naa.. Yg aku dok tetiba ckp kedah pasai apa??

                                                                 Gitulah lagu org dulu masak.. 


                                                       Alololo,, comeii kaisah pakai terompah!

                              Ni rumah Perak klu x silap. Tak sangka En suami pandai main gasing!

    Banyak aktiviti rupanya.. Ada petting animal.. Benonye kambing ni keluar dr pagar dia bila nampak kami.. Jinak sgt. Tp pakcik yg jaga tu rilek je. Maknanya mmg jinak sgt kambing2 kat sini. Sumpah x busuk. Rupanya pakcik tu kata, yg busuk tu kambing jantan (hok jantan memey busuk #eh) Ni kambing betina. Pakcik tu asingkan jantan kat kandang lain..hmm.. 


    Jinak sgtlah.. Pestayem feeding kambing.. Memula rasa geli mulut dia kat tapak tgn.. Tapi redha je lah..


Anak2 semua pakat larik.. Cehh.. 

    Ni rumah apa tak ingat. Siap ada alat muzik. Klu kat rumah Terengganu, boleh warnakan batik. Ada bayaran yg dikenakan tapi x mahal sbb kita bole bawak blk hasil batik yg kita buat. Ada jugak makcik2 yg goreng kerepek dn buat kuih dlm rumah2 ni. Cheq tak ingatlah, bnyk sgt. Pahtu cheq gatai pakai kasut wedges, so penat nak tanggal pahtu pakai blk. Anak2 yg beriyer x miss setiap umah. Dari umah perlis sampailah ke umah sabah (mcm lirik lagu) depa dok explore..

    Tapi ada satu umah ni cheq kene naik. Gilaa x naik,, kene sumpah klu cheq tak naik.. Hahahaaa,, umah apa?? Umah Johor lah! 

    Mcm umah nyayi (umah atuk nenek en husband) kat Pontian..Dok sat naaa..muka bekilat! Cair make up lepas berpeluh bagi makan kambing!

    Umah Sabah.. Beza tangga dia dgn umah2 kat semenanjung.


                                                         Rumah panjang Sarawak. Terbaeeekkk! 


    Sempat pulak dua beranak ni pusing2 dlm tmn mini. Sekali naik 25 hengget..

    Nak naik kuda pon td da naik carriage kan, so pegang kuda je lah kay.
Pasni nak pi mana pulak? Jumpa lain entry kay.. Mekasih dok penat baca sambil tunggu pic loading ;)
اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Thursday, June 4, 2015

A sweet escape in Malacca

  After the short briefing in Muar ( you can read the prev entry by clicking this ) i managed to plan a short getaway with my family. Since they accompanied me along to Muar, i thought we crucially needed to spend our holidays in Malacca which is +/-30 km frm Muar.

  Sometimes we grumble when we are asked to do many tasks by our boss.. It happens to me all the times.. Haha! But we never know there is always a rainbow after the rain. After the dreadful meeting, i finally had my all holidays to spend with my loved ones.

  All hotels were fully booked since it was the first week of school holidays. Thanks to Agoda because we managed to get a room (actually it was a studio aprtmnt with jacuzzi) in Bayou Lagoon Resort.So there you go,, kaching kaching money! 

  The room is charged all in one with the water theme park for two days! You get free breakfast (mcm biasa) in the morning  before you check out. 

  This holiday was a memorable one 
because i celebrated my wedding anniversary which is on 31/5, being surrounded with my husband and kids. What do you think the jacuzzi for?? Hahahaha :p

Can you spot where is my husband in the pic? Lol!!

 Kay, i dont hv to explain that 🙈

  We had our breakfast together the next morning, just two of us coz the girls were still zonked out after the diving series 😂😂. 

  Till we meet again in the next entry!!




  Last Saturday i had a briefing regarding English as a compulsary subject by 2016 at PPD Muar. Compulsary kay.. Currently the spm candidates MUST compulsary pass 2 papers; bahasa melayu and history in order to get SPM certificate. Starting 2016, English paper will be another crucial subject. 

  Why the venue was in Muar? I had no idea.. But all schools in Johor which frm different districts had to sit together in the hall.. 

  There goes the letter. So please take note seriously..don't play play with your English teacher from now onwards 😂 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

   Tetiba lepas dinner kat umah, hubby ckp jom g the pot's.. Amboi.. Sebelum ni memey pasang angan2 nak g situ setiap kali lalu dpn Danga Bay.. Nampak cozy sgt.. 

   Dah dekat pukol 10, anak2 pon dah tido.. Esoknya nak sekolah.. So, yg tido biarkan tido, yg belum tido marilah kita ke the pot's.. Hehe

   Restorannya memang best. Mcm rumah tapi diubahsuai jadi restoran.. Ada dua tingkat.. Boleh makan kat beranda luar mengadap jalan raya dan danga bay.. Privacy sangat.. 

   Minom kopi je dgn set nugget..naseb baik dtg dah kenyang.. Kalau tak,, huhuhu... Kay, terima kasih en suami belanja kopi sempena hari ibu.. Happy Mother's day to all mothers.. You are the best!! 

Night in JB

If u come to JB and ask me the interesting places for outing at night, i'll suggest you to go to Tasek Merdeka where you can enjoy the musical fountain. 

The fountain goes along with the music played there..

I went there last few weeks with my family and really enjoyed the music and the animated fountain.. 

Then, we went to the city to enjoy the colourful neon lamps that were hung all over the streets and trees..

The city of JB is very bright at night..
I could even enjoy the beautiful lights although i was in the car!

There is a downtown which we call 'pasar/bazar karat' nearby. You can get some quality items with a reasonable price.

So,, Welcome to Johor! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Steamboat and grill

      Sekarang ni zaman makan kat restoran masak sendiri...tak taulah mn dtg idea ni, tp bila tgk drama korea, rupa tu lah diaowg makan..sambil masak smbil makan..fresh gitu. 

      Mmg seronok. Rasa meriah. Tapi klu pegi restoran steamboat ni time penat, tak lalulah nak bgn, amek makanan dan masak sendiri kan. Pahtu klu g steamboat ni, kene lama2.. Takleh g kejap2..rugiiiii..sbb bnyk mknn.. So kene duduk, relax n amek masa. Umpama makan buffet kat hotel lah.. Bayar mahal2, duk makan kejap je pahtu dah blk. Sgt rugiiii.. Hihi

       Bnyk restoran steamboat yg aku dh pegi. Tp rs suka sgt pegi soul garden dan terkini, bakar bakar steamboat kat uda business centre. Klu pegi malam, ada live music band. Yg best, menu dia ada kambing. Udang pulak puas hati.. 

        Tp harga memey wat termenung.. Dua kali dua kala (sekali sekala tak boleh) bolehlah.. Kenyang perut suka hati kan.. Huhu..

         Ni pic kunjungan kali kedua aku ke bakar bakar steamboat. First pegi waktu malam, lima beranak. Kali kedua ni pegi 3 beranak je sbb lagi 2 org sekolah.. Hahahaaa.. 

         Oh yer, klu nak pegi bakar bakar steamboat, harga lunch dan dinner berbeza yer. Harga dinner dikira selepas pukol 4 petang.. Huhu..